Company News

Etron Chairman Cleared by Court for Alleged Security and Exchange Act Violation

Regarding the charges against Etron Chairman Dr. Nicky Lu and his wife for an alleged violation of the Security and Exchange Act, the Taipei District Court today announced a verdict of not guilty. Chairman Lu’s statement is as follows:

1. I would like to express our gratitude to the presiding judges of the Taipei District Court in this case, who worked hard throughout the process over the past one year and four months, and eventually reached a fair verdict that confirms our innocence. We wholeheartedly appreciate that justice was carried out. We also witness that the nation’s Court is indeed the final safeguard that protects people who are facing fabricated allegations.

2. I hope that after this case, regulators can establish some mechanism to truly understand the practices of industries, and in the case of ambiguity, conduct positive communication with industry leaders, or seek industry experts’ help for guidance. We also hope that our judicial institutions accelerate the refining of their investigations and delineate clearly the essential requirements of a trial case. Otherwise, companies can easily become a testing stone for the law, causing enormous waste of legal and social resources. I strongly hope that our suffering over the past two years can help Taiwan’s legal regulations and enforcement become more complete and exempt industry leaders from fears of random and baseless prosecution, search, or indictment. Only thusly can industries in Taiwan grow in a stable environment while facing global competition and requirements to adhere to international standards.

3. Since establishing Etron Technology, Inc. 18 years ago, I have devoted myself to the growth of the company and Taiwan’s semiconductor industry. I have also been committed to creating value for Etron and society with innovative technologies. I have never asked for unearned gains. Moreover, Etron’s employees have always operated with a strong belief in integrity, and have been practical in making contributions to the industry. I believe that after this adversity, the company’s management team has become even stronger. We will persist in giving our utmost effort as a return to the public. Finally, I would like to express my deep appreciation for our employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, lawyers, and industry friends for their support.